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Fuzzy sets and their applications

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     Novák, Vilém, 1951- - Autor
    Bristol : Adam Hilger, 1989 - 248 s.
    ISBN 0-85274-583-4
    SignaturaC 264.086
    Fuzzy sets and their applications
    PobočkaKde najdu?InfoSignatura
    Lidická ( příruční sklad )k vypůjčeníC 264.086   

    Údaje o názvuFuzzy sets and their applications
    Záhlaví-jméno Novák, Vilém, 1951- (Autor)
    Vyd.údajeBristol : Adam Hilger, 1989
    Fyz.popis248 s.
    Země vyd.Vatikán
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Druh dok.KNIHY
    Fuzzy sets and their applications
    A systematic treatise of fuzzy set theory and of some of its applications, containing many of the author's original results together with those of other Czech scientists. Intended for researchers, teachers and students of artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, system engineering, modelling and control of industrial processes, decision-making and management sciences, mathematics and logic, knowledge engineering and expert systems. Zdroj anotace: Web obalkyknih.cz

Počet záznamů: 1  

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