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The Paper men

  1. Zobrazit informace o knize na stránce www.obalkyknih.cz


     Golding, William, 1911-1993 - Autor
    London : Faber and Faber, c1984 - 191 s.
    ISBN 0-571-13447-5
    SignaturaC 149.405
    PobočkaKde najdu?InfoSignatura
    Lidická ( sklad )k vypůjčeníC 149.405   

    Údaje o názvuThe Paper men
    Záhlaví-jméno Golding, William, 1911-1993 (Autor)
    Vyd.údajeLondon : Faber and Faber, c1984
    Fyz.popis191 s.
    Země vyd.Velká Británie
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Druh dok.KNIHY
    English novelist Wilfred Barclay, who has known fame, success, and fortune, is in crisis. He faces a drinking problem slipping over the borderline into alcoholism, a dead marriage, and the incurable itch of middle age lust. But the final, unbearable irritation is American Professor of English Literature Rick L. Tucker, who is implacable in his determinition to become The Barclay Man: authorized biographer, editor of the posthumous papers and the recognized authority. Zdroj anotace: Web obalkyknih.cz

Počet záznamů: 1  

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